➡️ Start: 0-1 hour
➡️ Speed: 2K/Day
➡️ What’s included in the service:
— Search for video by a given keyword
— Viewing 10% of the video segment (but not less than 15 seconds, and not more than 1 minute)
➡️ Group field:
— Key phrases, queries by which to search for video
—- Example:
—– exgame- 10 times
—– exgameshop- 10 times
—– exgameshop  – 20 times
—— Important:
——- If you order a total of 20 search queries, the number should be 20. If you write (example): smmpanelus – 12, and order 10 – we will do 10.
——- If there are several keywords and the “number” field is 10, but for each you specify 20, we will do 5 for each.
➡️ Quantity field:
— Number of uses: from 10 for each keyword – minimum.
➡️ Link field:
— Provide a link to your video
—– Examples of links:
— https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=O_1T0XMvRUk&ab_channel=SoftRockGold
— https://youtu.be/O_1T0XMvRUk

🚀 YouTube promotion services

65.00$126.99$Earn up to 127 EX points.

  • 👤Promotion of keywords for videos on YouTube Search for videos by keywords - $71.00 per 1000
  • 👤Promotion of keywords for videos on YouTube Search for videos by keywords - $144 per 2000


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